Senator Tom Cotton expresses support for Donald Trump for president

National polls continue to indicate Trump's lead in the Republican Party primaries, and several of them indicate that he would beat Biden in the general election. In particular, a recent poll found that among Hispanic voters, Trump led Biden by five points, indicating a possible setback for President Biden in a potential 2024 rematch. (Photo:Twitter)
National polls continue to indicate Trump's lead in the Republican Party primaries, and several of them indicate that he would beat Biden in the general election. In particular, a recent poll found that among Hispanic voters, Trump led Biden by five points, indicating a possible setback for President Biden in a potential 2024 rematch. (Photo:Twitter)

This Wednesday (3), Republican Senator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton, made public his endorsement of former President Donald Trump as the potential 47th president of the United States. In a statement released on Twitter, Cotton said the US experienced security, robustness and prosperity during Trump’s tenure, while under Biden’s leadership the situation has deteriorated drastically. The senator highlighted the declining economy, the lack of resources in families, a vulnerable border and the instability caused by external enemies.

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Cotton expressed his intention to collaborate with Trump if he is re-elected in 2024, specifically mentioning the need to revitalize the economy, boost employment and ensure a secure border. He emphasized that it is crucial to return the country to the right path and help Arkansas workers who, in his view, are suffering due to Joe Biden’s disastrous policies.

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The statement also mentioned that Donald Trump has received significant support, including endorsements from seven governors, 18 Republican senators, and more than 90 Republican House members. Tucker Carlson, co-founder of the Daily Caller, recently declared his “active support for Trump” following the FBI raid of the Mar-a-Lago complex in August 2022.

National polls continue to indicate Trump’s lead in the Republican Party primaries, and several of them indicate that he would beat Biden in the general election. In particular, a recent poll found that among Hispanic voters, Trump led Biden by five points, indicating a possible setback for President Biden in a potential 2024 rematch.


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