“900 people were convicted of the invasion of the Capitol and Trump calls them ‘patriots”, says Biden

In addition, Biden highlighted the convictions of around 900 people related to the invasion, criticizing the way Trump referred to them as
In addition, Biden highlighted the convictions of around 900 people related to the invasion, criticizing the way Trump referred to them as "patriots". (Photo:Twitter)

Last Friday (5), the President Joe Biden, addressed the third anniversary of the invasion of the Capitol, headquarters of the North American Congress, in a speech that circulated on social media.

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During his speech, the White House leader criticized former President Donald Trump, accusing him of inciting the invaders, and emphasized the inadmissibility of political violence in the country. Biden, who is running for reelection in the 2024 elections, could face Trump again if the Supreme Court authorizes the Republican’s participation in this year’s primaries.

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At a campaign event held on the eve of the anniversary of the attack, the current president sought to portray the billionaire as a fundamental threat to democracy.

“Let me be clear. I’m going to say something that Donald Trump avoids saying: Political violence will never be tolerated in the United States political system. Never, absolutely never. There is no room for it in a democracy. You cannot be for it. of the insurrection and at the same time in favor of America”, declared the Democrat, as reproduced in an excerpt of the speech released on Saturday. In addition, Biden highlighted the convictions of around 900 people related to the invasion, criticizing the way Trump referred to them as “patriots”.


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