Biden’s son accused of tax evasion charges

Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, president of the United States, was accused this Thursday (7), of involvement in a scheme to avoid paying around US$1.4 million (R$6.9 million) in taxes between 2016 and 2019, the Justice Department said. (Photo: CBS Sunday Morning)
Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, president of the United States, was accused this Thursday (7), of involvement in a scheme to avoid paying around US$1.4 million (R$6.9 million) in taxes between 2016 and 2019, the Justice Department said. (Photo: CBS Sunday Morning)

Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, president of the United States, was accused this Thursday (7), of involvement in a scheme to avoid paying around US$1.4 million (R$6.9 million) in taxes between 2016 and 2019, the Justice Department said.

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As a result, he received a total of nine criminal charges: three inspectors and six misdemeanor inspectors. If convicted, he could face a sentence of up to 17 years in prison.

The investigation is still ongoing, according to authorities.

“[Hunter Biden] spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle instead of paying his tax bills,” the indictment said in a court in Los Angeles, California.”

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It is worth remembering that the criminal investigation is led by a Delaware prosecutor and has been open since 2018.

In July, a plea deal between Hunter Biden and prosecutors was almost reached, where he would plead guilty to tax crimes and admit that he purchased a gun even without legal requirements for it.

In exchange, Hunter would serve two years on probation instead of prison. However, the agreement fell through at the last minute and was never signed.

Thus, in October, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty after being accused of lying about drug use when buying a gun. This was the first time that a first criminal case was opened against the son of a sitting US president.


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