Biden has a meeting scheduled this Tuesday (12) with Ukrainian President Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky will meet Joe Biden this Tuesday (12). The purpose of the Ukrainian president's visit to the United States is to obtain help in the country's war against Russia. (Photo: Instagram)
Volodymyr Zelensky will meet Joe Biden this Tuesday (12). The purpose of the Ukrainian president's visit to the United States is to obtain help in the country's war against Russia. (Photo: Instagram)

Volodymyr Zelensky will meet Joe Biden this Tuesday (12). The purpose of the Ukrainian president’s visit to the United States is to obtain help in the country’s war against Russia.

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The information was released last Sunday (10) by Karine Jean-Pierre, White House spokesperson.

With this, according to the official, Zelensky will meet with the American president to “highlight the USA’s unwavering commitment” to Ukraine.

“As Russian missile and drone attacks against Ukraine intensify, leaders will discuss the country’s urgent needs and the vital importance of continued U.S. support at this critical time,” added Karine.

It is worth remembering that last week, parliamentarians from the Republican Party blocked an emergency spending bill worth US$110.5 billion (equivalent to around R$545 billion at current prices), which included military financing for Ukraine .

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As a result, opponents understand that the Biden government must include in the package, which also has aid for Israel and Taiwan, funds for significant immigration policies.

A private meeting between Zelensky and the speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Mike Johnson, is also scheduled to take place today.

Zelensky was even invited to speak to US senators at the Capitol.


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