Last Wednesday (09), the names of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle disappeared from the official website of the royal family. The information was enough to start rumors that King Charles would be willing to remove both from royalty, however, the news was denied by the advisory of those involved.
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According to Robert Jobson, an expert on the royal family and author of the book “Our King Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed”, sources close to the royals said that, under no circumstances, the king is not willing to withdraw the titles of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
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“This will not happen. So even though they have their royal titles and people would demand that they get rid of them, they would lose it. The reality is that it makes no sense, they say, to change that,” said Robert Jobson, an expert on the royal family. Furthermore, he reported that the rumors are not true.
“It will shake everyone up and create a story that will shake Hornet’s Nest all over again. And as a result, it will not achieve anything. It’s definitely very unlikely that Harry will be king, so why pose a problem?” On the official website of the royal family, the names of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were directed to another page on the server, and now, to the bottom of the page of the main members of the royalty.