Trump expels man who interrupted his speech during rally in New Hampshire

Former President of the United States Donald Trump expelled a man who interrupted him during a speech at a rally he was giving in New Hampshire on Saturday (20). (Photo: Instagram)
Former President of the United States Donald Trump expelled a man who interrupted him during a speech at a rally he was giving in New Hampshire on Saturday (20). (Photo: Instagram)

Former President of the United States Donald Trump expelled a man who interrupted him during a speech at a rally he was giving in New Hampshire on Saturday (20).

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As a result, the man in the audience was pushed by Trump supporters while the former president asked that he be removed from the place.

‘You can get him out of here. Get out of here. Go ahead’, said the former president.

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With that, Trump was currently criticizing the current president, Joe Biden: “It’s the biggest threat to our democracy. We’re going to have World War III with Biden in charge”, the former president said before the interruption.

With this, after being heavily booed by supporters, the man was escorted out of the rally by security guards. On stage, the former president continued to complain about the man’s presence: “He’s just a disturbed person,” he said.


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